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1. Explore the literature 文献
Here is a collection of digital tools that are designed to help researchers explore the millions of research articles available to this date. Search engines and curators help you to quickly find the articles you are interested in and stay up to date with the literature. Article visualization tools enhance your reading experience, for instance, by helping you navigate from a paper to another.
Search engines and curators 搜索
SciHub:SCI文献下载第一站。recommended by leileely
BibSonomy – Share bookmarks and lists of literature.
CaptoMe – Metadata platform with rich biomedical content and information management tools for well-organized research.
CiteUlike – Search, organize, and share scholarly papers.
Colwiz – Create citations and bibliography and set up your research groups on the cloud to share files and references.
ContentMine – Uses machines to liberate 100,000,000 facts from the scientific literature.
Data Elixir – A weekly collection of the best data science news, resources, and inspirations from around the web.
DeepDyve – Instant access to the journals you need.
EvidenceFinder – Enriches your literature exploration by suggesting questions alongside your search results. (blog post)
F1000 – Leading biomedical experts helping scientists to discover, discuss and publish research.
Google Scholar – Provides a way to broadly search for scholarly literature across disciplines and sources.
Labii – A suite of web apps for researchers, including an online app for finding, commenting, rating and managing research papers. (blog post)
LazyScholar – Chrome extension to help your literature search.
Mendeley – A unique platform comprising a social network, reference manager, article visualization tools.
Microsoft Academic Search – Find information about academic papers, authors, conferences, journals, and organizations from multiple sources.
MyScienceWork – Diffuse scientific information and knowledge in a free and accessible way.
Nowomics – Follow genes, proteins and processes to keep up with the latest papers and data relevant to your research.
Paperity – Aggregator of open access papers and journals
Paperscape – Visualise the arXiv, an open, online repository for scientific research papers.
PubChase – Life sciences and medical literature recommendations engine. (blog post)
Pubget – Search engine for life-science PDFs.
PubNiche – A scientific research news curator.
PubPeer – Search for publications and provide feedback and/or start a conversation anonymously.
ReadCube – Read, manage & discover new literature.
Research Professional – Source of intelligence on funding opportunities and research policy.
Scicurve – Transforms systematic literature review into interactive and comprehensible environment.
Sciencescape – Innovation in the exploration of papers and authors.
Scientific Journal Finder (SJFinder) – A collection of tools including a journal search engine and rating which recommends a list of journals based on title and abstract of scientific manuscript, website builder, .(blog post)
SciFeed – Uses various data sources and natural language processing to identify important new scientific advances.
SciVal Funding – Comprehensive source of funding information.
Scizzle – Curator that automagically finds new and relevant research papers. (blog post)
Sparrho – Personalized recommendation engine for science – allowing you to keep a bird’s eye view on all things scientific.
SSRN – Multi-disciplinary online repository of scholarly research and related materials in social sciences.
Symplur – Connecting the dots in healthcare social media.
Wiki Journal Club – Open, user-reviewed summaries of the top studies in medical research.
Zotero – Helps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.
Article visualization 管理
ACS ChemWorx – Collaborative reference manager coupled with tools and services for authors.
Colwiz – Create citations and bibliography and set up your research groups on the cloud to share files and references.
eLife Lens – Provides for researchers, reviewers, authors and readers a novel way of looking at online content.
Elsevier “Article of the Future” – Aims to revolutionize the format of the academic paper in regard to presentation, content and context.
Interactive Science Publishing – Allows authors to publish large datasets with original source data that can be viewed interactively by readers.
Mendeley – A platform comprising a social network, reference manager, article visualization tools.
Pubget – Search engine for life-science PDFs.
PubReader – Alternative web presentation that offers another, more reader-friendly way to read literature in PMC and Bookshelf.
ReadCube – Read, manage & discover new literature.
Utopia Docs – Pdf reader that connects the static content of scientific articles to the dynamic world of online content.
Wiley Anywhere Article – Enhanced HTML article from Whiley publisher.
Wiley Smart Article – Enhanced article tools for chemistry content in Whiley journals.
2. Find and share data and code 数据和代码
Managing large sets of data and programing code is already unavoidable for most researchers. Tools have been developed to efficiently store and share data and code. These tools are become increasingly important as data and code sharing becomes the norm and a requirement of most funding agencies.
BioLINCC – Clinical specimen database.
ContentMine – Uses machines to liberate 100,000,000 facts from the scientific literature.
DataBank – Analysis and visualisation tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics.
DataCite – Establish easier access to research data by providing persistent identifiers for data.
DataHub – Publish or register datasets, create and manage groups and communities
Dataverse Network – Harvard-based tool to share, cite, reuse and archive research data.
Dryad– Data repository for any files associated with any published article in the sciences or medicine.
Figshare – Manage your research in the cloud and control who you share it with or make it publicly available and citable
GenBank – Gene sequence database provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
GitHub – Online software project hosting using the Git revision control system.
Nowomics – Follow genes, proteins and processes to keep up with the latest papers and data relevant to your research.
Open Science Framework – Gathers a network of research documents, a version control system, and a collaboration software.
Peer Evaluation – Open repository for data, papers, media coupled with an open review and discussion platform.
Quip – Combines chat, documents, spreadsheets, checklist, and more to collaborate on any device.
re3data – Global registry of research data repositories.
Research Compendia – Tools for researchers to connect their data, code and computational methods to their published research
SlideShare – Community for sharing presentations and other professional content
Socialsci – Help researchers collect data for their surveys and experiments (blog post).
Zenodo – A home for the long-tail of science, enabling researchers to share and preserve any research outputs.
3. Connect with others学术社交圈
Research cannot stay buried in the lab anymore! Under Connect with experts and researchers, you will find a set of tools that help researchers reach out to other researcher and find expertise for new collaborations. Under Outreach, find tools that help you communicate your research to the general public. Citizen science, gathers tools to help you involve the general public in your research efforts, by sharing CPU time, or counting birds for example. And under Crowdfunding, you will find tools that help you collect funds for research from others.
Connect with experts and researchers
Academia – A place to share and follow research and researchers.
AcademicJoy – Share research ideas and story in research and innovation.
Addgene – Connect with other researchers through this plasmid sharing platform.
AssayDepot – Pharmaceutical marketplace for life science research services.
Benchling – Life science data management and collaboration platform.
BiomedExperts – Scientific social network to research, collaborate, and connect with researchers and medical experts worldwide.
BiomedUSA – Global open access hub for sharing and licensing of Biological Research Materials and related technologies.
Biowebspin – Platform in life science worldwide to networks, work, look up information.
Cureus – A free and open access the medical journal and a place for physicians to build a digital CV.
Direct2experts – A federated network of biomedical research expertise.
Expertnet – Helps you locate experts in Florida universities.
GlobalEventList – A comprehensive directory of scientific events worldwide.
Innocentive – Helps clients to engage a world of creative and diverse on-demand talent to rapidly generate novel ideas and solve important problems.
Journal of Brief Ideas – Provides a place for short ideas to be described – in 200 words or less -, archived, searchable and citable.
Kaggle – Connect with organisation in need of data prediction algorithms through open competitions for the best code. (blog post)
LabRoots – Social network for researchers.
LifeScience.net – Online platform for professional networking and sharing of knowledge in life sciences.
Linkedin – Professional networking site for all.
Loop – Open, cross-platform network for researchers and academics from the Frontiers journals.
MalariaWorld – The world’s scientific and social network for malaria professionals.
Mendeley – A unique platform comprising a social network, reference manager, article visualization tools
MyScienceWork – Diffuse scientific information and knowledge in a free and accessible way.
nanoHUB – Centralized platform for computational nanotechnology research, education, and collaboration.
Open Science Framework – Gathers a network of research documents, a version control system, and a collaboration software.
Piirus – Helps researchers meet potential collaborators, build networks and develop their core research.
Profeza – Showcasing the unvalued work behind each article to provide new, more accurate way of evaluating researchers.
Profology – A professional community created exclusively for higher education faculty, staff and administrators.
Research Connection – A searchable platform for research jobs and information.
ResearchGate – Social network for researchers.
ScienceExchange – Marketplace for shared lab instrumentations. (blog post)
SocialScienceSpace – Social network to bring for social scientists.
Trellis– A digital platform that connects you to the rest of the scientific community, ran by AAAS.
AcademicJoy – Sharing research ideas and story in research and innovation.
AcaWiki – Summarizing academia and quasi-academia, one document at a time.
DrawScience – Take science articles, make pictures.
I Am Scientist – A science outreach education and engagement activity.
Kudos – Helps researchers explain, enrich and share their publications for greater research impact.
nanoHUB – Centralized platform for computational nanotechnology research, education, and collaboration.
Publiscize – Empowering scientists to free science and make their research available to everyone.
ScienceGist – Simplified summaries of scientific papers. (blog post)
SciVee – Science video sharing platform.
SciWorthy – A science news site for the everyday person to better understand science.
Useful Science – Summaries of the latest science useful in life.
Citizen science
Innocentive – Helps clients to engage a world of creative and diverse on-demand talent to rapidly generate novel ideas and solve important problems.
Kaggle – Platform for data prediction competitions.
Patient Innovation – Nonprofit, international, multilingual, free venue for patients and caregivers of any disease to share their innovations.
Project Noah – Explore and document wildlife on this citizen scientists platform.
SciStarter – Find, join, and contribute to science through recreational activities and citizen science research projects.
Zooniverse – Citizen science projects using the efforts and ability of volunteers to help scientists and researchers.
Benefunder – Facilitates connections with top researchers who are working on breakthrough discoveries that are impacting our world.
Experiment – Crowdfunding Platform for Scientific Research.
My Projects – Donate to the research work that means the most to you.
Petridish – Fund science & explore the world with renowned researchers.
SciFlies – Allows anyone, anywhere to directly support research they care about.
Consano – Research crowdfunding site to directly support innovative medical research that matters to you