
科学论文的写作在常用句型、用语方面有一定的规律可循。掌握这些基本规律,写作论 文时可收到事半功倍的效果。那么,常用的句型、句式怎样分类比较科学?通常用到的句式 为哪些类型?各种类型又有哪些基本表达方法? 所有这些问题,都拟在本文内例述和研讨。

为什么要掌握分类句式用语呢?因为,首先,这有利于避免不必要的重复。许多有用 的句型,通常出现在科学论文的不同部分,如表示研究目的用语,不仅在论文摘要中用到, 而且在引言、讨论、甚至结论等部分都会用到。如果我们在讲述怎样写作各部分时都列举类 似的用语,势必造成重复、赘述。现在把它们集中起来分类例述,就能避免不必要的重复。

其次,掌握分类句式用语有利于比较地道、规范的英语表达。把英美人写作论文时的句 式用语集中地进行分类选择,有利于广大专业技术人员和研究生们学习、模仿比较地道、规 范的英语表达,有利于节约时间,避免费力耗时地造出“蹩脚的”、甚至“中国式”的英语 表达。

第三,掌握分类句式用语有利于写作中的多样化表达。把表达相同或相似概念的不同表 达方式集中分类,便于写作中选择、比较,有利于交替使用不同的句型,避免句式单调、用 词单一,实现表达多样。

再则,掌握分类句式用语也符合科学论文的写作规律。因为常用的句型是写作中客观存 在的,它们的使用已基本上格式化了,而且使用的频率又很高,所以对常用的句式用语进行 科学的分类,是一件有实用意义的工作。


一是从逻辑思维角度考虑。人们总是首先提出问题,然后分析和解决问题,最后得出结 果或结论。这可以看作是解决问题的一种“模式”。这种“模式”,也可作为我们分类选择句 式用语时的指导思想。

二是从写作程式角度考虑。任何一篇科学论文的写作,大都要:①指出其研究的目的, ②限定其讨论的范围,③说明其理论的依据,④描述其实验的步骤,⑤介绍其工作的方法, ⑥展示其研究的结果,⑦作出科学的评价等。这种基本“程式”,正是我们分类选择句式用 语的实践依据。

鉴于上述,我们在本文内对科学论文写作中常用的句式用语进行了分类,并选择了 240 余条例句供参考。

俗语说:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”。我们深信,掌握英语科学论文写作中常 用的句式用语,无疑会有助于科学论文的写作。


1. 主要用场

指出研究目的句型在英语科学论文中反复出现,这类句型用语比较集中地使用在论文的 摘要、引言、讨论、结论等部分。

指出研究目的的常用表达有:“本文的主要目的……”,“该项工作主要是关于……”,“该 项工作的主要目的是……”,“该项研究的主要目的是……”,“该项实验主要是为了……”等 等。 

2. 常用句式


① The purpose of this paper is…

② The primary goal of this research is…

③ The intention of this paper is to survey…

④ The overa11 objective of this study is…

⑤ In this paper,… was provided (given,i11ustrated)

⑥ Our goal has been to provide…

⑦ In this paper,we aim at…

⑧ The emphasis of this study lies in…


① The present work is concerned with the processes underlying…

② The above work deals with the mechanism involved in…

③ Our work at present is devoted to the changes occurring in…

④ The work we have done bears on the effects produced by…

⑤ The work we are doing is closely related to the deliberations described in .

⑥ Compared with the current research,the previous work was in connection with the investigation made by…

⑦ The work presented in this paper focuses on several aspects of the following…

⑧ The authors are now initiating some experimental investigation to establish…

⑨Our studies were performed to determine the amount of…

⑩The problem we have outlined deals largely with the study of…


① The chief aim of the present work is to investigate the features of …

② The main purpose of our recent work was to examine the properties of…

③ The major object of their further work will be research into the nature of…

④ Our work in this direction has been intended to provide some information about…

⑤ The work which is being done now is designed to find some solution to the problem of…

⑥ Work of this kind has been started in order to assess the role of …

⑦ Previous work in this area was initiated in the hope of obtaining data in…

⑧ We did this work hoping to establish…

⑨ The authors undertook the work with a view to show…

⑩ By doing this work we expect(ed) to demonstrate…

⑾ Doing this joint work, we intend(ed) to show…

⑿ The primary objective of our work was to define the reasons for redundant protection systems and give examples of systems used in …

⒀ With research of many years, the author’s endeavour is to explain why in…

⒁The above-mentioned work has been performed with a view of …

(4)该项研究的主要目的是 …

① The chief aim of the present study is to find out…

② The primary object of this fundamental research will be to reveal the cause of …

③ The main objective of our investigation has been to obtain some knowledge of…

④ The study of …was made in order to clarify… 

⑤ The above study has been carried out to determine…

⑥ Their(pioneer)studies were intended to elucidate…

⑦ Those earlier investigations are in hopes of providing evidence for…

⑧ We performed this present study in the hope that we might bring to light some facts about…

⑨ The authors attempted their studies in order that they might…

⑩ We undertook the above study to the end that we might…

⑾ They initiated the present study so that they might…

⑿ Carrying out this study we hope to find out…

⒀ Performing these studies the author intended to reveal…

⒁ With recent research, the author intends to outline the framework of…


① We made these experiments in order to show a correlation between…

② The author attempted the set of experiment with a view to demonstrate certain phenomena…

③ Experiments on…were made in order to measure the amount of…

④ Experiments involving…have been carried out to determine…

⑤ Experiments using this technique are (not )under way test(check) …

⑥ Experiments on…are made to answer the question whether…

⑦ The experiment being made by our research group is aimed at obtaining the result of…

⑧ We have designed such an experiment for the purpose of …


1. 主要用场 限定主题范围的句式用语,在英文科学论文中常出现在“引言”和“讨论”中。限定主 题范围时的常用表达有:“该问题是关于……的研究”,“该问题在……范围之内(外)”,“该 问题涉及到……范围”,“该问题可进一步推广到……范围”等等。

2. 常用句式


① This problem is concerned (chiefly)with the study of…

② The problem of …deals (largely)with the determination of …

③ The problem they have advanced bears on the elucidation of …

④ The problem to be discussed in this paper is related closely with…

⑤ The problem described previously was directed to the example of…, which differs from…

⑥ The problem under investigation involves some significant agreements and disagreements in…


① The problem concerned with the nature of…

② The problem relating to the influence of…

③ The problem which deals with the role of…

④ The problem which bears on the effect of…

⑤ The problem in connection with…

⑥ The problem as mentioned previously in… 


① The problem is within the scope of …

② Our problem lies beyond the range of …

③ The problem you have just outlined seems to be outside of the province of…

④ The problem the authors have raised goes off the limits of…

⑤ The problem I have referred to falls within the field of…

⑥ The problem under discussion is not within the scope of…


① Studies of these effects cover(ed)various aspects of……

② Investigations on…involve(d) also specific situations.

③ Our studies with this technique are confined to one particular aspect.

④ More recent studies by this worker were chiefly concerned with the influence of…

⑤ The research on the conventional techniques explains well the phenomenon of

⑥ The new findings from the experiment agree to the result obtained in…


① The authors have extended their studies to some other related species.

② We hope to expand our investigations to include other materials.

③ The research we have done deserves further studies.

④ The investigation carried out by the experts suggests an increase of the application in …

⑤ The approach under study predicates a wider range of application.


1. 主要用场 说明有理论根据的句式用语,在英语科学论文中常出现在引言、实验描述及讨论等部分。 说明理论根据时常用表达如下:“该理论是……提出来的”,“该理论的内容(特点)是……”; “根据该理论,可以得出……”,“该理论认为 ……”,“应用该理论能(或不能)说明……” 等等。

2. 常用句式


① The theory of…was created 50 years ago

② The alternative theory was constructed in 50’s.

③ The theory of…was developed in the 1930’s…

④ The theory of…was elaborated in the early 70’s.

⑤ The theory of…was formulated as early as 1900.

⑥ The theory of…was advanced as long ago as the 1860’s.

⑦ The theory of…was put forward as far back as 1897.

⑧ The theory of…was proposed last year.

⑨ The theory of…was suggested the year before last year.


① Underlying this theory is the idea that…

② The underlying concept of this theory is…

③ The underlying principle of the theory is as follows…

④ This is an alternative theory that… 

⑤ This is a similar theory to the effect that …

⑥ This is a working theory which is based on the idea that…

⑦ A basic feature of this theory is …

⑧ The fundamental feature of this theory is as follows.

⑨ The theory is characterized by…

⑩ …prove to be the outstanding features of the theory.


① According to B’s theory both processes occur simultaneously.

② As follows from the theory by N, such situations lead to…

③ As can be seen from the theory and theory advanced by…such interactions are the basis of…

④ In the light of the theory ,we have developed a variation method to handle such problems.

⑤ Based on the theory, the author has obtained sufficient information from recent experiments with…


① The kinetic theory holds that…

② This newly-developed theory maintains that…

③ The theory advanced by…claims that…

④ The theory of …predicts that…

⑤ The principal concept of the theory lies in…

⑥ The investigating theory…


① We can interpret these findings in terms of the above theory.

② We cannot explain these phenomena using the above theory.

③ We can hardly explain these findings applying this theory.

④ These findings can be interpreted in terms of the above theory.

⑤ Such phenomena cannot be explained on the basis of this theory.

⑥ The theory can (not) apply to other cases of…

⑦ The theory developed by…is valid (invalid)for other species.

⑧ X’s theory proved to be true for all steps of…

⑨ The above theory has been verified by many other authors.

⑩ This very peculiar theory can be applied to a wider range of experiments in …


1. 主要用场 描述实验过程的句式用语,顾名思义常用在与实验有关的段落之中。描述实验情况时的 常用表达为“该项实验具体包括……”,“到……,从未有过该项实验研究”,“进行该项实验, 以便检验……”,“该项实验证实(未能证实),……”等等。

2. 常用句式


① The experiment consisted of three steps, which are described in Table 3.

② The test equipment which was used consisted of five force-measuring transducers and two recording instruments furnished by…

③ Included in the experiment were a high- pressure vessel assembly, 2 UA –3 uranium 5 analyzers, and a complete 100*50*50 cm soil bin.

④ All high-pressure hydrogen creep rupture tests were carried out in specially designed high pressure equipment rated at…

⑤ The winch is composed of the following main parts: a welded frame, a safety-brake clutch, a chain drum and a worn reducing gear.


① An experiment of the kind has not been made.

② The kind of experiment you have in mind has never been carried out until now.

③ The kind of experiment you mentioned would not be undertaken in the near future.

④ So far we have not performed any experiment of this kind.

⑤ Until now the authors have not attempted any field experiments of…

⑥ Researches on the mobility of ions in neutral gases began more than 75 years ago, but very accurate data obtained through actual experiments have not appeared as yet.

⑦ …However, no direct experimental measurements of this have been reported.


① We (have)carried out several sets of experiments to test the validity of…

② They undertook many experiments to support the hypothesis which…

③ We initiated experiments to prove…

④ They have undertaken special experiments to disprove…

⑤ A number of experiments were performed to check…

⑥ Many studies have to be attempted to verify…

⑦ More than one set of experiments must be initiated to substantiate…


① Experiments by M and his associates (have) showed…

② Recent experiments in this area (have) suggested that…

③ The present series of experiments (have) indicate(d) that…

④ The experiments reported here (have) demonstrate (d)

⑤ These experiments involving…confirm(ed) our evidence that…

⑥ Our experiments with…failed to prove…

⑦ These highly-technical experiments support(ed) our assumption that…

⑧ Our initial experiment confirms that the choice of concept is correct.

⑨ The above-mentioned experiment has proved the newly –developed technique is very reliable.

⑩ This conclusion is also supported by the experiment as has been described previously.


1. 主要用场 介绍研究(实验)方法的句式用语,在英语科学论文中常见于摘要(资料型摘要)、引 言、实验描述及建议等部分,介绍研究方法时的常用表达如:“该方法首先由……发明(使 用)”,“该方法与其他方法有 ……差别”,“应用该方法可以进行……工作”,“该方法称 为……”,“使用该方法已获得……”等。

2. 常用句式 (1)该方法首先由……发明(利用)

① The method of … was first developed by N. 6

② The method of … was first applied by B.

③ The method of … was first used by A in the early XXth century.

④ The method of … was first brought into used by C.

⑤ The method of … came into use as long ago as 1920.

⑥ The original proposal of this method was first made and published in 1963.

⑦ The method of making a frequency standard was not invented till the existence of…


① The method of … does not differ at all the routine one

② The method of we use differs greatly from the one used earlier.

③ The method they developed is somewhat different from the conventional one.

④ The new technique is quite different from the old one.

⑤ The newly-elaborated technique has something (nothing, little) in common with the one previously used.

⑥ The method of deriving a program described here differs from previous practice in that…


① The method allows us to demonstrate…

② This technique enables us to observe…

③ The above procedure makes it possible to defect…

④ This method is capable of providing…

⑤ By the method we are able to investigate the insight of…

⑥ We have adopted the integrated filtering cell approach to miniaturize the prototype.

⑦ The method proves to be useful in…

⑧ The interpretation effects were successfully evaluated by employing AIA.


① The method used is known as…

② The technique we applied is referred to as…

③ The procedure the followed can be briefly described as …

④ The approach adopted extensively is called…

5. Since the method was first put in use, we might as well name it as…

(5)用该方法已获得 ……

① We have obtained this information from recent experiments with…

② Detailed information has been acquisited by the authors using X-ray analysis.

③ The researches have recorded valuable data using the newly-developed method.

④ The experts in the research center are satisfactory with the experimental results achieved by the application of…


1. 主要用场 展示研究结果的句式用语,在英语科学论文中常见于摘要、实验结果、结果与讨论及结 论等部分。展示研究结果时常用的表达有:“该项研究结果说明了……”,“根据该项研究结 果可以得出……”,“该项工作提供了……结果”,“该项实验取得了……结果”,“……概括了 该项结果”等。

2. 常用句式


 ① The studies we have performed show(ed) that these particles are responsible for …

② These pioneer studies that the authors attempted have indicated marked variations in…

③ We carried out several studies which have demonstrated that the substance acts on …

④ The research we have done suggests an increase in…

⑤ The investigation carried out by…has revealed no resistance of…

⑥ Our research has supported the assumption that…

⑦ Their studies have confirmed the opinion that…

⑧ This research bore out the idea that…

⑨ Laboratory studies of…did not furnish any information about…

⑩ Our research carried out to the same effect failed to reveal any variations in…

⑾ Recent research into the nature of… fails to support the theory that…

⑿ Most recent studies showed no changes in…

⒀ Further research reveals no evidence of…

⒁ All our preliminary results throw light on the nature of…


① More recent experiments in this area lead us to conclude that the phenomenon is related to …

② Most recent experiments to the same effect have led the authors to believe that the mechanism is out of action.

③ Further experiments in this area have enabled these workers to suggest that…

④ As a result of our experiments, we concluded that…

⑤ From our experiments, the authors came to realize that…

⑥ From these experiments one can conclude that…


① This fruitful work gives explanation of…

② Their fundamental work provides some knowledge of …

③ The author’s pioneer work has contributed to our present understanding of…

④ This joint work of many years has led to further progress in…

⑤ Our integrated work of the past few years adds to our current concept of…

⑥ The research work has brought about a discovery of…

⑦ The research by workers (has) result(ed) in a solution of…

⑧ Our work on…(has) failed to give…

⑨ Their initial work with…did not result in…

⑩ This initial work with…did not result in…

⑾ Further work in this field failed to contribute to…

⑿ These findings of the research has led the author to a conclusion that…


① Some results of…are obtained in the experiment with…

② Sufficient result for…has been observed with the new method…

③ Further progress can be provided by these experiments…

④ No clear advancement has (so far)been see in…

⑤ No direct outcome was then reported in…

⑥ No such finding could be available in…

⑦ No further result can be found with that technique.

 ⑧ No experimental evidence has come to the studies of…


① Figure 3 shows the results obtained form studies of…

② Table 5 presents the data provided by the experiments on…

③ This table summarized the data collect during the experiment of …

④ The results reported above have been shown in Figure1.

⑤ Our experimental data briefly summarized as follows.

⑥ Some of the authors’ findings are listed in tables.


1. 主要用场 研究成果评价的句型用语,在英语科学论文中常见于:摘要,讨论及结论等部分。从狭 义上讲,研究成果评价是论文作者对自己所做工作的评价,从广义上讲,这种评价不仅限于 对个人工作的评价,同时也包括作者对别人的评价,提出自己的观点和见解。作出评价时, 肯定和否定是两种最基本的评价。

2. 常用句式和词语

① The author’s work on…has been very successful

② Our work involving studies of…did not prove to be encouraging.

③ The new information has been insufficient to indicate that the change is dramatic.

④ On of the assets of this technique is that it is very simple.

⑤ The theory by…seemed quite competent.

⑥ We consider the new idea quite likely a suitable one

⑦ The data available in literature are quite important.

⑧ The newly-developed method has certain advantages over the existing methods.

⑨ The author has satisfactorily come to a conclusion that…

⑩ These highly-technical experiments failed to provide any correlation between…

⑾ The theory of…did not explain how much modifications arose.

⑿ These findings are not consistent with the current theory.

⒀ The above hypothesis seems rather interesting.

⒁ So far there is not enough convincing evidence showing…

⒂ The data obtained appear to be very similar to those reported earlier by…

⒃ There may be a different approach to the above findings

⒄ Our experimental result does not seem to suggest the following assumptions

利用上述句式,表示肯定评价的形容词,如:good, satisfactory, competent, convincing , adequate, reliable, correct, valid, helpful, fruitful, successful, stimulating, attractive, interesting, promising, exciting, careful;, profound, comprehensive, useful, encouraging, extensive, clear, sufficient, etc.

表示否定评价的形容词,如:deficient, faulty, inadequate, incomplete, unconvincing, unsatisfactory, meaningless, unreliable, incorrect, wrong, invalid, confusing, inexplicit, contradictory, controversial, divergent, puzzling, conflicting, ambiguous, insufficient, etc.


为了避免不必要的重复,有利于 比较地道,规范的英语表达,有助于写作中的多样表述,并遵循科学论文的写作规律,本文 对常用句式用语进行分类选择。根据表达科学研究成果的一般逻辑思维顺序和科学论文的结 9 构程式,写作英语科学论文时常用句型用语可作如下分类:①指出研究目的,常用句型用语 54 条;②限定主题范围,常用句型用语 30 条;③说明理论依据,常用句型用语 36 条;④ 描述实验过程,常用句型用语 30 条;⑤介绍工作方法,常用句型用语 32 条;⑥展示 研究 结果,常用句型用语 46 条;⑦作出科学评价,常用句型 17 条及 48 个表示肯定或否定的形 容词。实践表明,集中掌握这些常用的型用语,对于写好英语科学论文大有裨益。


