北科冯妍卉&邱琳Review of Scientific Instruments :使用改良的线型3ω方法测量单个多孔聚酰亚胺纤维热导率
近日,北京科技大学冯妍卉教授课题组的邱琳副教授在仪器领域TOP期刊Review of Scientific Instruments 上发表了题为“Note: Thermal conductivity measurement of individual porous polyimide fibers using a modified wire-shape 3ω method ”的文章。该工作提出了一种不导电纤维的测量方法并完成了对PPI纤维的热物性表征。作者制备了内部具有多尺寸孔径且孔道随机/均匀分布的PPI纤维,并通过在纤维表面沉积一层均匀铂纳米薄膜使其具有导电性。通过3ω法测量得到复合纤维的热导率,其中包含了铂纳米薄膜热导率的影响。为了排除该影响,引入横截面比模型,通过导入纤维、铂膜的尺寸和热导率数据进行分析计算,得到了PPI纤维本征热导率,同时发现纤维孔隙率越大(孔径越大,分布越不均匀),热导率越低的规律。该工作为PPI纤维热物性提供了参考,同时也为不导电材料的微尺度测量方法提供了重要的参考。
图1 三种具有不同孔隙率的多孔聚酰亚胺纤维的SEM图
图2 放置在真空室中的3ω方法测量装置示意图。
图3 3ω法测量的复合纤维实验数据,其中(a)-(c)证明了3ω法测量的准确性,(d)的数据给出了纤维的热导率信息。
文献链接:Lin Qiu, Yuxin Ouyang, Yanhui Feng, Xinxin Zhang. Note: Thermal conductivity measurement of individual porous polyimide fibers using a modified wire-shape 3ω method, Review of Scientific Instruments,2018,89,096112
DOI: 10.1063/1.5052692
邱琳,女,中国科学院工程热物理所博士,美国弗吉尼亚大学博士后,北京科技大学副教授,先后于新加坡南洋理工大学、英国利兹大学开展学术访问。主要研究领域为微纳尺度热物性测量及热输运机理,钢铁行业余热回收及利用,授权国家专利16项,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家重点研发计划子课题等,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家973课题、科技部重大仪器项目等。在Carbon、Appl. Therm. Eng.、 Int. J. Heat Mass Tran.、Sci. Rep.等国际知名期刊发表学术论文40余篇,文章引用次数约200余次,兼任中国高等教育学会工程热物理专业委员会理事、第7届国际微纳技术会议(ISMNT-7)学术委员会委员、Scientific Reports期刊编委。
1.Lin Qiu, Hanying Zou, Xiaotian Wang Yanhui Feng*, Xinxin Zhang, Jingna Zhao, Xiaohua Zhang*, Qingwen Li.Enhancing the interfacial interaction of carbon nanotubes fibers by Au nanoparticles with improved performance of the electrical and thermal conductivity. Carbon, 2019, 141, 497-505.
2.Lin Qiu, Kimberly Scheider, Suhaib Abu Radwan, LeighAnn Sarah Larkin, Christopher Blair Saltonstall, Yanhui Feng*, Xinxin Zhang, Pamela M. Norris*.Thermal transport barrier in carbon nanotube array nano-thermal interface materials. Carbon, 2017, 120, 128-136.
3.LinQiu, Xiaotian Wang, Dawei Tang*, Xinghua Zheng*, Pamela M. Norris, Dongsheng Wen, Jingna Zhao, Xiaohua Zhang, Qingwen Li. Functionalization and densification of inter-bundle interfaces for improvement in electrical and thermal transport of carbon nanotube fibers. Carbon, 2016, 105, 248-259
4.Lin Qiu, Xinghua Zheng*, Jie Zhu, Guoping Su, Dawei Tang. The effect of grain size on the lattice thermal conductivity of an individual polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber. Carbon, 2013, 51, 265-273.
1.Lin Qiu, Hanying Zou, Dawei Tang, Dongsheng Wen, Yanhui Feng*, Xinxin Zhang. Inhomogeneity in pore size appreciably lowering thermal conductivity for porous thermal insulators. Therm. Eng., 2018, 130,1004-1011.
2.Lin Qiu,Ning Zhu, Hanying Zou, Yanhui Feng*, Xinxin Zhang, Dawei Tang*. Advances in thermal transport properties at nanoscale in China. Int. Heat Mass Tran., 2018, 125, 413-433.
3.Lin Qiu, Xinghua Zheng*, Jie Zhu, Dawei Tang*, Yajun Dong, Yuelian Peng. Adaptable thermal conductivity characterization of microporous membranes based on freestanding sensor-based 3ω Int.J. Therm. Sci., 2015, 89(3), 185-192.
4.Lin Qiu, Dawei Tang*, Xinghua Zheng, Guoping Su. The freestanding sensor-based 3ωtechnique for measuring thermal conductivity of solids: principle and examination. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2011, 82(4), 045106.
5.Lin Qiu, Xinghua Zheng, Jie Zhu, Dawei Tang*. Note: Non-destructive measurement of thermal effusivity of a solid and liquid using a freestanding serpentine sensor-based 3ω Rev.Sci. Instrum., 2011, 82(8), 086110.
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